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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Russell Tice
Whistleblower and former NSA analyst
MSNBCW 06/11/2013
Tice: I learned the hard way, you cannot trust any of the internal supposed mechanisms that are there for oversight. The chain of command, the I.G.'s office, even at the D.O.D. I.G. I found was basically trying to put a knife in my back. The whistleblower protection act does not apply to the intelligence community. They're exempt from it. Most people in the intelligence community, they don't realize that. So you can't even go to the office of special counsel because they're exempt from that, too, and the merit system protection board. So even if you use the intelligence community whistleblower protection act, the only thing that gives you is the right to go to congress. It doesn't have any teeth there to protect you against retribution from the agency that you're reporting abuse on.
Russell Tice
Whistleblower and former NSA analyst
MSNBCW 06/21/2013
Tice: You gotta understand the FISA court is being used as a screen to be able to use information that ultimately they can use to throw at somebody in a court of law with a grand jury. They did that when they threw the grand jury at me and they did that to Jim Risen when they put him up against the grand jury. Where they say we have these digital records that you called this person, this source, but they won't discuss what you said, even though they had word for word everything that you've said. But they won't use that in a court of law and they’ll fall back to the FISA court to say that's how they had justification just to get the metadata.
Russell Tice
Whistleblower and former NSA analyst
MSNBCW 06/21/2013
Tice: NSA today is collecting everything, including content, of every digital communication in this country, both computer and phone. And that information is being stored indefinitely. And that's something they are lying about. And that facility out there in Utah is online right now. Melvin: And the fact that they have said they do not do that, you're saying that's just a flat out lie. Tice: That's correct.
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